
maj 2024

June 13th Biodiversity and butterflies


June 13th, 2024 - Biodiversity and butterflies We have invited Erik Cederberg who runs Biophoria, a company that focus on creating conditions for biodiversity. Two of his specialities are butterflies and insect hotels. Erik will give two talks on his favourite topics and in between the talks we will study the different insect hotels that [...]

June 13th Biodiversity and butterflies2024-06-10T13:36:48+02:00

June 12th Inspiration from the steppe


June 12th, 2024 - Inspiration from the steppe We are honoured to have Máté Tálas from Hungary coming to Klinta Trädgård for a day full of inspiration from the steppe of eastern Europe. An area that is highly interesting for urban plantings for the future. Máté has gathered a lot of knowledge from many field [...]

June 12th Inspiration from the steppe2024-06-10T13:36:25+02:00



11 juni 2024 - Skapa insektshabitat, en heldag om insektshabitat i natur och trädgård som Klinta Trädgård anordnar i samarbete med Mikael Sörensson. Mikael jobbar på Lunds Universitet med funktionell zoologi och är bland annat expert på solitärbin. Syftet med dagen är att bättre förstå vilka habitat som är viktiga för olika grupper av insekter [...]

11 juni 2024 – SKAPA INSEKTSHABITAT2024-06-10T13:34:05+02:00
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