Cost: 1 500 SEK including VAT, lunch and coffee

Notification to:    – eller via formuläret

Remember to include your name and details for the invoice. Please note that your notification is binding!
Lunch is vegetarian. Please let us know if you have any allergies.

John Little from England is one of the most innovative people in the world in using construction waste and wild flowers in order to enhance biodiversity and create greenspaces. In 1998 he started the Grass Roof Company and has since then introduced wild landscapes into schools, public spaces and onto roofs.

During this day we will learn from John Little and his successful projects, both in his and his wife’s garden in the south of England and in public places. Both biologists and city planners take interest in John Little’s work, as his ideas are non-traditional and show on new ways to create functioning green spaces for plants as well as for insects and humans.
This is a unique opportunity to learn about creating biodiverse habitats in an urban context.
The day is arranged by Klinta Trädgård and will consist of talks, discussions and practical work, together with John Little and Peter Korn.

Schedule for the day:
08.00 Coffee and introduction of the day
08.20 Discussion: Recycled materials – what´s possible to use. John Little and Peter Korn
09.00 Talk by John Little: Designing in Complexity
10.30 Fika/coffee
11.00 Garden tour with focus on created habitats.
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Practical work: Creating complexity with recycled materials.
We will create habitats made out of recycled material, for insects and plants. With guidance from John Little and Peter Korn.
15.00 Fika/Coffee
16.30 Avslut/End of day

8.00 Klinta Trädgård
9.15 Naturreservatet Kaninlandet i Torna Hällestad
12.00 Lunch på Anita på Börringe Kloster (ingår i priset)
13.30 Vellinge, Parkeringen i södra änden av Vallgatan.
16.00 Klinta Trädgård
17.30 Avslut

Klinta Trädgård
Snogeröd Klinta 660, 24395 Höör
John Little:

Cost: 1 500 SEK including VAT, lunch and coffee

Notification to:    – eller via formuläret

Remember to include your name and details for the invoice. Please note that your notification is binding!
Lunch is vegetarian. Please let us know if you have any allergies.

John Little from England is one of the most innovative people in the world in using construction waste and wild flowers in order to enhance biodiversity and create greenspaces. In 1998 he started the Grass Roof Company and has since then introduced wild landscapes into schools, public spaces and onto roofs.

During this day we will learn from John Little and his successful projects, both in his and his wife’s garden in the south of England and in public places. Both biologists and city planners take interest in John Little’s work, as his ideas are non-traditional and show on new ways to create functioning green spaces for plants as well as for insects and humans.
This is a unique opportunity to learn about creating biodiverse habitats in an urban context.
The day is arranged by Klinta Trädgård and will consist of talks, discussions and practical work, together with John Little and Peter Korn.

Schedule for the day:
08.00 Coffee and introduction of the day
08.20 Discussion: Recycled materials – what´s possible to use. John Little and Peter Korn
09.00 Talk by John Little: Designing in Complexity
10.30 Fika/coffee
11.00 Garden tour with focus on created habitats.
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Practical work: Creating complexity with recycled materials.
We will create habitats made out of recycled material, for insects and plants. With guidance from John Little and Peter Korn.
15.00 Fika/Coffee
16.30 Avslut/End of day

8.00 Klinta Trädgård
9.15 Naturreservatet Kaninlandet i Torna Hällestad
12.00 Lunch på Anita på Börringe Kloster (ingår i priset)
13.30 Vellinge, Parkeringen i södra änden av Vallgatan.
16.00 Klinta Trädgård
17.30 Avslut

Klinta Trädgård
Snogeröd Klinta 660, 24395 Höör
John Little: